AltaMed Health Services Content Marketing

AltaMed Health Services is one of the largest FQHCs in the country, based right here in Los Angeles. Though Latinos make up a big percentage of their members, AltaMed also provides care to traditionally under-represented ethnic groups and underserved communities. Because so many of their members are new to the healthcare system, AltaMed wants to engage them with health and wellness content that addresses typical concerns, but in a way that’s friendly and inviting.

This did not originally start out being my job; our original content marketing manager was caught wholesale plagiarizing and was fired. So the thinking at my agency was, “Hey Lisa can write stuff and she knows healthcare; let’s make her do it!” I embraced the challenge — along with Google Analytics, Hootsuite, and Instagram Analytics in the process.

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Long-Form Blog Posts

My job is to come up with 500 - 800-word articles that are relevant to AltaMed members but still interesting enough to pique their interests and engagement in managing their own health. I also balance these needs with trending health topics and SEO optimization. Some of our best-performing posts have included this one on scammy-weight loss teas, a post about the impact of loneliness on mental health, an article on the very real link between food and mood, and diabetes myth-busting post.


Animated Infographics

A not-insignificant portion of AltaMed’s audience are not native English speakers. One of the best ways to reach them, and others who either don’t want to read a lot or don’t have great health literacy (which is, frankly, like, 95% of the United States), is with animation. These animated infographics were very a very popular feature on AltaMed’s Instagram feed (their internal team changed their social strategy and use Instagram for something else now), and they were shared thousands of times.

My role was to research and write the copy, storyboard it out, work with a designer, then QA the final product.