‘DISOBEY VAPE’ City of Los Angeles Youth Anti-Vaping Campaign

We were tasked by Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer to come up with a campaign that would discourage teenagers from picking up a vape pen. Since vaping is so new and there’s so little science on it — including scant research about psychology and motivational factors — our agency conducted a number of focus groups to get to the heart of how kids felt about it, and what would make them think twice about trying it.

Our findings — that kids want plain, clear facts that allow them to make up their own minds about it — are reflected in this campaign, featuring a :30 spot that was shown in theaters, and on network TV and cable. The campaign also included outdoor boards, wild postings, banner ads, a website aimed at teens and another one created with a parent audience in mind, paid and organic social media, and a PR component.

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